compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

Annual Creative Retreat  

Jul. 31st – Aug. 4, 2023 via Zoom and the wilds surrounding your home

Registration closed.


Join us if you have been craving restorative retreat time. With nurturing guidance, practical suggestions, and the intimacy of a group with shared interests, move forward with your creative ideas. Whether you’re a writer, artist, dreamer, or beauty-lover, this retreat will hold you as you ease into your fertile edges. (No project is too small or too large for this retreat.) Alternatively, if you just want to be nourished by the retreat activities (rather than pursuing a specific project), you are very welcome to join us.

Specifically, this retreat will offer support and direction so that you can:  

  • craft a creative intention;
  • explore the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects that will support your creative process and progress; 
  • journey along pathways for inspiration and clarity; 
  • unite inspiration with progress; 
  • play, make beauty, relax, troubleshoot; 
  • design a path for completion, or a path to more a more balanced life.  

You will be guided through meditations, creative writing activities, visual arts, and your personal process. You will also have opportunities for time alone in the natural world (on beaches, in forests, in gardens, in local parks, on trails near where you live). 

Take early mornings and evenings for yourself (to work on your project, rest and rejuvenate, journal, walk …). We will spend our time together online doing nature-based, generative group work that supports individual creative/writing time. We will carve out time in the middle of each day to move away from our computers and into the natural areas surrounding wherever we live. You can expect to meet online daily from 9 - 11:30 AM and 2:30 - 4:00 PM. 

Settle in for five luscious days finding your muse and journeying into something beautiful. 

$ 1100. Price includes group work, guided activities, and individual project support. 



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