compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

compassionate guidance through writing, nature, & life's difficult landscapes

Story & Nature Guiding ©

Story & Nature Guiding © is TEALarbor stories’ signature process.

Clients can access this service as part of working on the process of writing; it is also for non-writers who want the experience of being guided on the land for healing or transition support.

Story & Nature Guiding © offers individuals the opportunity to learn from nature in service to their work in the world. Generally offered in local natural areas for up to several hours at a time, this work is safe and accessible to a broad range of individuals.

Together, we will:

  • use methods of harvesting inner resources to avoid becoming depleted
  • foster the capacity to endure (change, loss, transition, hardship)
  • draw from inner resources & demonstrate those in our work
  • experience long-term well-being

Mind, body, emotion, and spirit are in service to doing one’s work/calling in the world and are brought into balance.

Story & Nature Guiding © fosters a sense of wholeness and re-connects us with the undeniable reality that we are nature.

Copyright © 2009 - Jennifer J. Wilhoit, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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